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L.I.F.E. Skills Enrichment Program

Learning through Inspiration Faith & Excellence

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Hope House of Arizona’s L.I.F.E. Skills Enrichment Program is designed to enrich the lives of youth by helping build strong character and encouraging them to live a life of integrity. Youth will learn to develop self-love, discover their self-worth, demonstrate self-respect, and develop self-discipline. It is our aim to ensure that every youth has a clear vision of who they are and understands their responsibility to themselves, their families, and their community. Youth are encouraged to embrace their gifts and talents, while also discovering their potential, finding their purpose, and pursuing their passion. The goal of our program is to ensure that youth know their importance, worth, and value and are supported as they endeavor to achieve their dreams. Our goal is to intrinsically inspire and extrinsically motivate youth the embrace their gifts and talents, while also pursuing their passions, in order to achieve their dreams. ​

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